Monday, June 18, 2012

We are now blogging!!

Yep, that's right. We are moving up in the world of social media and we're excited to get started! We have found that Facebook is a little limiting on the view of posts. Although they allow 63,206 characters per post, you have to click "read more" to expand the full article. Even when expanded, the page is compressed to be very narrow that you have to do a lot of scrolling. Nobody likes to scroll....

So, with our fans and followers in mind, we are embarking on this new blogging adventure! You can even subscribe to us, so when we posts articles you are automatically notified and don't miss all of our awesome content. (And we'll provide oodles of home improvement advice and tips to help beautify your home and, most importantly- to make it yours!).
In case you don't want to be notified on our new posts, we will post a link from our Facebook page to this blog site. This way if something catches you eye you can click right on the link and go to the article that interests you.

You can also add any comments & questions that allows us to reply to you. If you have any subject areas you want more info on, just say so! We love to hear from everybody and want to know what you would like to read from us. Suggestions are welcome!!

See you soon!