Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Many Functions of a Basement

Having a basement in your home can serve many important purposes. It automatically bumps up the square footage of your house, and provides you with an extra room that is separate from the rest of your home. Depending on the size of your basement and the needs of you and your family, there are many different options for what to do with that space.

Extra Living Space
Even if you have a great living room in the main part of your house, it can still be beneficial to create a cozy living space in the basement. Because the basement is more secluded, you are able to create the perfect space for relaxation and entertainment.  Over sized couches and a fairly large television are a necessity if you are planning on spending a lot of time watching TV, movies, or playing video games.

Gaming Room
A basement can also be a great excuse to purchase that completely unnecessary but fun item you have always wanted, whether it is a pool table, pinball machine, popcorn maker, jukebox, gambling table, or anything else you could think of. These items are often very large, making them undesirable for your everyday living space. Having a basement eliminates the need to see or use them every day, and turns your basement into a special and enjoyable getaway.

Craft Room
If you are a fan of crafting, or have kids that are often working on large projects, a basement craft area is a real treat. If you don’t already have a designated craft area, often times your living room, dining room, or kitchen is used for that space and become cluttered and messy. Having a designated craft area allows you to stay very organized, but is also less of an inconvenience if things do get disorderly.

Children's Theme Room
Theme rooms can be dangerous for the main parts of your house, as they can be overwhelming or outgrown. However, a basement can be the ideal location for a children’s play or theme room. The ample space that basements typically provide allows for a large, open play area for children. You could create an intricate and outlandish space for your children, or just keep it simple with games, art supplies, and play equipment.


Storage Space
If you don’t feel that it is necessary for you to use your basement as an extra room to spend time in, then you can always go to its most basic use: storage! A basement is an amazing source of open space that allows you to completely organize your life.  Cabinets, drawers, shelving units-the list goes on and on. Having a designated space just for storage is so helpful in keeping your things organized so that nothing is cluttered, and you know exactly how to find everything you store.

Taking an existing basement to that next level can be overwhelming to even consider. If you feel like your basement needs a transformation, let D.J.'s Painting & Remodeling take all the stress away! Contact us today to begin imagining and constructing your dream basement, whatever you might need it for.

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