displays on your shelves, fireplace mantel, bookcase, etc reflects what is
important to you. Take a few minutes to really consider what you have out. Does
it tell a person what you most value, or does your home look like it was runner
up in a design magazine? Make sure you keep it practical, real and most
important- keep it you. One-of-a-kind displays may even jump start a funny story
or two, so go ahead and keep that pink penguin on display.
storage of game systems, controllers, microphones and headsets can transform
a chaotic game room into a nice, organized gathering area. For example the controllers,
games and accessories can be stored in a fabric-lined wicker basket next to the
TV. You don’t necessarily need to have a cover on this; you don’t want them to
think you’re a boring family, just a fun and organized one!
out a new entry rug in the foyer can help give off a warm, welcoming vibe
that your in-laws are expecting. During the initial greetings between
everybody, your guests take a few moments to take a peek around while you take
their coats. You may want to consider repainting the entry walls and putting up
some new artwork to gain a fresh and hospitable atmosphere. If they are impressed
by the new tones, they won’t notice much else!
Making comfortable
sleeping arrangements can be a stressful task, especially if you have more
than a few overnight guests. If your in-laws
are staying the night, they have many hours to stew over a bumpy or flat
pillow. Make sure you offer a few different pillow choices. Also, make sure you
bring out your big, cozy and fresh towels for them to bask in. Nothing worse
than drying off with a drab towel in the morning!
your home with an open mind. Your in-laws have been around longer than you
have, so they have seen just about all the traditional decorations out there.
Although it’s comforting to find those same decorations in another’s home,
showing off some creativity and originality can be quite refreshing! Search
though online magazines and photos to spark your imagination. For example, try
wrapping your cabinet doors in ribbons as if they were a present or making your
own garland or wreath.
This holiday season, adjust those things that can help
get-togethers with the in-laws go just a little smoother, giving you time to
discuss the important issues... like your parenting... or cooking skills.
Happy hosting!
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