Monday, December 3, 2012

The Perfect Palette

When looking to paint the interior of your home, create a color scheme that reflects your style perfectly.  There are a few easy ways to start designing the perfect palette and many sources of inspiration are available. Consider the following tips:


Copy-Cat:  Maybe you admire a friend’s style or how they have designed the color in their home. Maybe a picture on a blog or website caught your eye. D.J.’s Painting and Remodeling suggests keeping a binder of pictures found in magazines and printed from websites. If you see something that you like, keep it. That way, when you are ready to get started, you’ll already have inspiration on hand.

Start Small, Dream Big: Your favorite color can serve as a base for a full spectrum of color in your home. Start with a color you love and then find the perfect complements. If you aren’t sure what your favorite color is, D.J.’s Painting and Remodeling suggests thinking of a favorite shirt. You may not even realize what your favorite shade is until you take a look at what you’ve been purchasing for your closet.

Thematic Elements: If your house has a feel about it or a distinctive style that you would like to keep, websites are now designed to cater to that. Websites like Design Seeds can give you ideas for themes in your color combinations. Whether it is travel, vintage, nature, or seasonal that is the focus of your style, search palettes to find what will suit the mood in your home.

A Few of Your Favorite Things: A painting from your grandmother, a vase from the flea market, a picture frame from the store, or even a throw pillow are all objects that can serve as inspiration for the start of a color palette. Draw out the different colors that are a part of a single item and you may find a palette before your eyes.

Consult the Experts: You may attempt the suggestions above and still feel that your palette is a little too plain or not what you were hoping to achieve. We at D.J.’s Painting and Remodeling can generate fresh ideas that you may not have considered on your own or serve as a sounding board to get your palette where you want it to be.

The right color scheme will suit your personal style and cause others to marvel at the atmosphere you have created. A fresh look can be inspired by many things and it is possible to find the perfect palette!

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